The first visit to Giza
We decided that, before visiting possibly dangerous people and gunning them down (which could lead to a very short permanence in the country) we decided to explore Giza and follow the trail of the Carlyle expedition. The first sign of the black pharaoh was right in front of the Sphinx: a stele. While visiting the Micerino’s pyramid, in the burial chamber, the one where the Carlyle expedition said that they have found the sarcophagus of [TODO Mummy, Nartotep? Neferka?], I spotted a secret button on a wall that lead to a secret passage. Thank to our newly acquired guide [TODO Nefeli’s char], we were able to enter without being spotted by tourists.
The passage in the pyramid was dark (and full of terrors?) with many “natural” ramifications. At times we heard a faint laughter coming from nowhere. That put all of us on the edge. Basile Lerouc went psychotic once asking to go back. These french people are real pussies, in Russia we never flinch! Drink some vodka I say and grow a spine! In one later tunnel we heard wind passing by following a pattern… like being inside gargantuan lungs. In another tunnel we found razor-sharp stone roses and mushrooms. We decided to continue on the main corridor. Some passages were collapsed and we spent already some hours inside. I was taking a map, trying to figure out our position with respect of the pyramids outside when… some half-men, half-animals attacked us with their disfigured features (i.e. beaks and horns)! Fortunately, our brave men ( Jude Gregson and Frank Johnson) did quick work of them. I withheld my guns: such a small corridor can be a problem for my marksmanship.
We kept pushing forward even if Frank wanted to retreat. It is incredible, just a small peck and he is already ready to flee! We need to eradicate the devil from these lands! We need to move forward!
We went in another lateral tunnel. When we came back the dead bodies of the 2 half-animal creatures were taken away. We followed the trails/proceeded in the main corridor until… another secret door. Found the mechanism, we proceeded again into a big chamber. In the [Nicotris Secret Chamber] we found:
- Stairs with a purple fog going downstairs
- Pool of water and leaches with a ceremonial raft
- An altar with the [Nicotris] sarcophagus
- An altar with a double throne linked with a bridge to an opening in the wall where there was a stele and, behind, a natural opening in the wall. The stele had hieroglyphics about the [Black Pharaoh] (successively, [Cafur] was able to decipher these markings).
- A gigantic hole in the wall were no light could pass through. Very spooky.
While exploring the room, near the pool, the half-animals attacked us again! They were many, we fought but, unfortunately, Cecile Goulding felt in the pool and never re-emerged. He left us saying: “See you on the other side!”. That was a real man. After, we opened the [Nicotris] sarcophagus. There was the mummy. We took many photos and performed a ouji board ritual. [Nicotris], indeed contacted me. She asked for three items of power:
- a girdle (belt)
- a crown
- a necklace
She did not want to answer to any other questions. Quite rude in my opinion. After this we headed back to Cairo: we needed to translate the hieroglyphics and buy more batteries for our torches.
Second visit to Giza
After a brief visit to [Cafur] where he translated the hieroglyphics we headed towards… [a mosque] to look for the girdle (he suggested it). We did not find anything and we decided to go back to Giza to finish the exploration. Fully prepared, weapons loaded, Molotov bombs charged and so on, we proceeded along the main corridor. After some time we ended in a hemispherical room with a small round stage in the middle. Everything was dark and silent. I decided to contact these blasphemous creatures: we need to know what/who we are dealing with I say! A new ouji board session started. The board said only one word: [Niartotep]. I started asking questions: no answer. Frank Johnson noticed some figures that were approaching: another round with the semi-animal humanoids? I was ready to fight! Unfortunately, I asked one more question: “Do you want us to fight Niartotep or do you want us to help her?”. Immediately I teleported outside of the pyramid, in the desert, in front of the stele near the Sphinx. Does this [Niartotep] teleport works two-ways? I did not try. In the rush I just thought of going back to the pyramid by foot: my comrades are lost without me.