
JuJu House

  • Former headquarters of the Culto of the Bloody Tongue in New York
  • Secret trap door under the counter
  • Silas N’Kwane owner of the shop. In his bedroom:
    – Bloody Tongue mask: complete with mummified human tongue nailed to the forehead
  • Alcove with corpses: “sliced across their midriff, entrails hanging out, standing against the walls”
  • shawl made of shimmering coloured feathers
  • Another bloody tongue mask
  • Lion claws
  • Artefact, A Wooden Mask: A carved African wooden mask with four hideous faces perched atop a thick, corded neck with a basket-like reed, feather and fabric collar that would hide the wearer’s face. (retrieved)
  • Artefact, A headband of Grey Metal: various cuneiform-like runes are scratched into its surface (retrieved)
  • Artefact, A Burnished Copper Bowl: Etched with unrecognizable runes and signs. (retrieved)
  • Cash box: It contained various pieces of jewellery and personal items, several of which could be identified as belonging to the murder victims. These were handed over to Carlton Ramsey, who is using them as evidence to re-open the Hilton Adams murder case. (retrieved)
  • Bundle in leopard skin
  • Very modern marin chronometer
  • Burned


  • Kikuyu throwing knife
  • From Kenya

Scoop London

Mickey Mahoney

Africa’s Dark Sects, Cthulhu Mythos Book

  • English, by Nigel Blackwell, 1920. Sextodecimo, blue pasteboard covers with marbled endpapers and blue-stained page edges

  • Written by explorer Nigel Blackwell during his travels across Africa, the book is an odd mix of travelogue and exposé of the ritual practices of a variety of African cults. Although the notes of his travels were obviously turned into a book, no publisher is listed on the title page.

  • Recovered from the basement of the JuJu House

  • Rebecca Shosenburg tried to read it and had a psychotic episode.

  • Bessie Simons started studying it on 1 February 1925.
    – On 29 March 1925, after being attacked by the [Fog Monster] at the Limehouse, she jumped into the Thames and lost consciousness. When she woke up, the book was gone. Later she had a dream/vision that the book was taken from her by Gavigan Edward.

Nigel Blackwell

Miriam Atwright

Book, The Final Confessions of Gaspar Figueroa

  • Spanish, written by Gaspar Figueroa, 1543. Octavo, handwritten on vellum

  • Stolen from the Museo de Arquelogia y Antropologica of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, Peru in March 1921.

  • Recovered by Raskolnikov from [Luis de Mendoza]’s meagre bundle of possessions. The text is currently stored in Arthur Bell’s warehouse in London’s docklands.

Luis de Mendoza


Peru Cult

Miles Shipley

Artefact, Burnished Copper Bowl

Artefact, Carved, Wooden African Mask

  • It has four hideous faces perched atop a thick, corded neck with a basket-like reed, feather and fabric collar which would hide the wearer’s face.
  • Found in the JuJu House
  • Related to the Cult of the Bloody Tongue

Artefact, A headband of Grey Metal

  • Various cuneiform-like runes are scratched into the surface of this heavy, curiously-warm metal band.

Monster, Black Pharaoh

  • Very dangerous. It is said that he will wipe off manking bringing stark truth
  • In a painting in Miles Shipley’s house
  • Also named Nephrem-Ka

Monster, Painting Lizard

Book, Équinoxe Divisé

  • French, by Ghyslain D’Aramitz, 1807. Octavo, soft calf leather binding, pages untrimmed.
  • Recovered by Basile Lerouc from the secret room in the basement of the Penhew Foundation.
  • He started reading it on 25 February 1925.
  • The book is an account of a French merchant, colonial administrator and explorer telling of his experiences travelling around the world, with particular chapters devoted to cataloguing and comparing regional customs and beliefs in Northern Africa, Asia and Europe. D’Aramitz relishes in describing what appear to be outlandish (possibly fictional) practices concerning farming and hunting; however, these are interspersed with dramatic and chilling folk customs that have the ring of authenticity. A number of apparent medieval rituals, stemming from the south of France, are shown to have dark and murderous origins.

Book of Dyzan

  • English, author/translator unknown, reputedly of ancient origin. Quarto, bound in goatskin, woven papers, distinct smell of sulphur.
  • Recovered by Jude Gregson from the secret room in the basement of the Penhew Foundation. As it is a handwritten document in some ancient English dialect, he couldn’t make any sense of it.
  • Raskolnikov started studying it. After a visit to the library and the help of a librarian (who went psicotic) he was able to read part of the book

Monster, Dragon-like