I’d like to set up another game of Arkham Horror on the coming Sunday (01-12-2019, 14:00).
I suggest the Kingsport Horror expansion (the rules can be found online here). Quickly reading the rules, we have about these 6 options
- Full expansion (board, investigators+investigator cards+ancient one, harald/guardian)
- Most of the expansion (board, investigators+investigator cards+ancient one)
- All except the new board (investigators+investigator cards+ancient one, herald/guardian)
- Just investigators+investigator cards+ancient one
- just herald/guardian
- base game (nothing from kingsport)
0 voters
Voting mode inspired from here: tick all the options you’d be happy to play, in case of tie I suggest a show of hands for the preferred option on Sunday.
Please also let me know if you join (Paul.Seyfert@cern.ch).