A space to present yourself
I’m a software engineer in IT/Storage and I’ve been tinkering around home automation with HA since early 2017. I’ve written a couple of integrations, and I hope to get the time to catch up with the impressive developments of HA (read my setup is lagging behind because of lack of time lately…).
I run HA as a (customized) container on a QNAP NAS.
I’m Pedro, a software engineer in IT-CDA (Indico) into home automation for about 2 years now. Started with the idea of having all my devices integrated into one simple hub, as I was using one different app for every single intent.
Shortly after, I found home assistant, an overwhelming community of IoT enthusiasts and managed to achieve home automation in a vast amount of domains (lights, covers, gates, etc).
Also took part in the IT lightning talks 20 (https://indico.cern.ch/event/967903/).
I’m running HA containerized in my raspberry pi 3.